Netnod's history

Here we look back at some milestones that mark significant moments in both Netnod’s history and in the development of the critical infrastructure at the core of the Internet. We have a long history of providing Internet Exchange, DNS and Time services. Read more below.
Netnod Internet Exchange - interconnecting the Nordics with multiple redundant routes
1992: D-GIX launches as the first Swedish Internet Exchange (IX) and one of the first IXes in Europe.
1996: As the Internet grew, the Swedish government conducted an inquiry that identified Internet exchange points and the .SE domain as being vital to the functioning of the Internet in Sweden. Following discussion at the Swedish Operators Forum (SOF), a foundation called the Stiftelsen för Telematikens Utveckling (TU-Stiftelsen) was formed and financed by the KK-stiftelsen – a foundation for knowledge and competence development. TU-Stiftelsen was founded to create an independent, stable and common organisation for the operation of critical Internet functionality in Sweden. The basic concept was that no single telecom operator would have undue influence over another and that TU-Stiftelsen would work for the good of the Internet.
TU-stiftelsen formed Netnod as an organisation that could operate the IX in Stockholm.
1997: The SOF and Netnod took a joint decision to implement the findings of the government inquiry, which suggested that several exchange points be established around the country. This resulted in SUNET selling the D-GIX exchange point to Netnod. At the same time, Netnod established a second, independent exchange point in Stockholm.
1998: Netnod launches Netnod IX Gothenburg.
2002: Netnod launches Netnod IX Malmö and Netnod IX Sundsvall.
2004: Netnod launches Netnod IX Luleå.
2010: Netnod deploys first route server at Netnod IX Stockholm.
2012: Netnod signs up first 100GE customer.
2014: Netnod launches "Netnod COMIX" (later, Netnod IX Copenhagen), the first distributed IX connecting Copenhagen, Denmark, with Malmö, Sweden.
2016: Netnod launches Netnod IX Oslo (powered by NIX).
2019: Netnod becomes the first IX to offer 400GE ports at multiple locations.
2020: Netnod expands the Netnod IX Sundsvall to Gävle creating the first distributed IX for mid-Sweden.
2022: Netnod launches Netnod IX Helsinki.
2023: Netnod adds more services for IX customers including: Closed User Group and Netnod Time Direct.
2023: The Netnod IX hits an all-time traffic peak of 2.35 Tbps.
Netnod’s DNS service - 20+ years of 100% uptime using one of the largest and most advanced DNS platforms in the world
1991: I-root (today operated by Netnod) becomes the first of the world’s 13 root name servers to be located outside of the United States.
2000: Netnod (through its subsidiary, Autonomica) takes over responsibility for, one of the world’s 13 root name servers.
2000-2003: Netnod (through its subsidiary, Autonomica) instals copies of the around the world at some of the largest operators and exchange points to make the Internet faster and provide better redundancy.
2003: Netnod (through its subsidiary, Autonomica) becomes one of the first DNS providers to offer a global anycast DNS service for Top-Level Domains (TLDs). Read more here.
2005: Netnod (through its subsidiary, Autonomica) provides an anycast DNS service for the .SE domain that is fully DNSSEC enabled making .SE the first TLD in the world to deploy DNSSEC.
2010: Netnod and Autonomica merge into one organisation under the single name Netnod.
2016: Netnod launches its enterprise DNS service.
2021: Netnod celebrates 30 years of I-root, Europe’s first DNS root name server.
2022: Netnod’s DNS footprint hits 80+ sites globally.
2023: Netnod’s anycast DNS service celebrates 20 years of 100% availability
Netnod Time - providing world-leading time services
1997: Netnod launch first NTP service at Netnod IX Stockholm (stratum-1 service Rubidium clocks)
1998+ Netnod adds multiple stratum-1 time servers to other Netnod IX locations (funded by SP, now RISE)
2015: Together with PTS and the SP National Laboratory (now RISE), Netnod develop Sweden’s nationwide distributed time service using stratum-1 time servers connected to Caesium atomic clocks
2017: Netnod launches a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) service offering networks the highest level of accuracy.
2019: Netnod launches one of the first Network Time Security (NTS) enabled time services in the world
2020: NTS published as RFC8915 after a five year development process where Netnod took a leading role
2020: Netnod makes the first FPGA implementation of NTS
2022: Netnod launches Netnod Time Direct and Netnod Remote time services.