New DNSNODE sites improve DNS service for China, the Philippines and the US

The new sites, hosted by JXIX , RISE and CNNIC respectively, are already taking a noticeable traffic load over both IPv4 and IPv6. They follow a series of deployments in the past year which includes new sites in:
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Calgary, Canada
- Cochabamba, Bolivia
- Fremont, CA, USA
- Guatemala city, Guatemala
- Lima, Peru
- Manta, Ecuador
- Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Monterrey, Mexico
- Paramaribo, Suriname
- Phnom Penh, Cambodia
“These new sites bring improved DNS service,” said Miguel Alktun, Business Development, DNS. “This means improved regional performance both for the DNS root name server operated by Netnod as well as for the DNS anycast services provided to TLDs and to the Enterprise market segment.”
Since 2000, Netnod has operated, one of the 13 logical Internet DNS root name servers and a crucial part of the global DNS infrastructure. Netnod’s DNSNODE service is used to provide I-root instances in more than 70 sites globally, and is also used by TLDs and enterprise customers to ensure rock-solid secondary DNS anycast for their zones.
As the operator of I-root, one of the world’s 13 root name servers, Netnod’s DNS experts have been ensuring the stability and security of the DNS for more than 20 years. In addition, Netnod’s DNSNODE provides:
- One of the largest anycast networks available: 70+ locations around the world
- Strategic support and intelligent connections that optimise routing, reduce latency and improve end user experience
- Full IPv4 and IPv6 support
- Industry-leading security and stability with an anycast network designed for maximum resilience against DDoS attack
More information about Netnod’s DNSNODE service is available here.
More information about Netnod’s I-root service is available here.
More information about how secondary DNS works and why it’s important is available here.
For sales enquiries, please contact:
Miguel Alktun
Mobile: +46 76 126 98 66