Netnod Reach Partner

MegaFon offers a complete range of telecommunication services to local and international business including enterprise customers and telcos. The core products are IP-transit including DDoS service and lease of backbone and VPN circuits. Within 3 years the international backbone network has grown from Russia – Europe capacity to unique Europe – Asia infrastructure and now includes interconnection to main international hubs in Frankfurt am Main, Amsterdam, Hong Kong and other cities as well as direct connections to the main internet traffic exchange sites in Russia and abroad: MSK IX, LINX, DE-CIX, AMS-IX and NetNod. MegaFon has direct border crossings and close partnerships with leading carriers in neighbouring countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and provides communication services to customers in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Turkey, Iran and etc. via transit partners.
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Find out more about MegaFon B2О solutions here.