Magnus Westerlund

Magnus Westerlund

Master Researcher
Ericsson Research
Magnus is an expert in Internet transport protocol standards and has been with Ericsson Research since 2000. His work has included a lot of real-time media protocols such as RTP, SDP, RTSP, SIP, and WebRTC for conversational as well as streaming services especially for mobile networks. The focus lately have been around QUIC and MASQUE as well as securing SCTP. He is part of a team working on Internet Evolution within Ericsson and is contributing to 6G research. He has been active in IETF for more than 20 years while co-authoring over 30 RFCs as well as been Transport Area Director 2006-2010 and 2018-2020, and also chaired three different WGs.

He likes tea, beer and a good boardgame!